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Meet the Artist: Javier Jimenez - From the Newsroom: Rockford Register Star - Scott Yates

Jimenez has just been named the first artist in residence of New Genres Art Space, which opened its doors on July 20th.

Jimenez is a Rockford native with a long history of illustration and screen printing here. He began his commercial printing enterprise as Saturated Threads Screenprinting. Through this work he was introduced to fellow illustrators who formed the collective known as Fatherless. Since 2010 that group, based in Rockford, has been showing their work internationally.

Jimenez is a husband, a father, a grandfather. And now he begins his newest role at New Genres Art Space.

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Rockford library adds new media, digital arts through partnership: Rockford Register Star - Corina Curry

ROCKFORD — Video may have killed the radio star, but to artists Jason Judd and Iga Puchalska video is just part of the new and exciting digital art platforms that make up New Genres Art Space, opening Saturday.

Jason Judd and Iga Puchalska: Home to make a difference: Rockford Register Star - Corina Curry

ROCKFORD — In the summer of 2014, in between jobs teaching art and running museums, Jason Judd and Iga Puchalska thought it would be fun to have an art parade in the city’s downtown.

They worked with other artists to create an event that would capture the spirit of public art engagement and participation. More than 100 people — many of them families with children — joined in. That night, Judd and Puchalska went home and the idea of New Genres Art Space was born.


Meet the Artist: New Genres Art Space - From the Newsroom: Rockford Register Star - Scott Yates

This week Jason Judd and Iga Puchalska, co-founders of New Genres Art Space in Rockford are guests on the “Meet the Artist” podcast from the Rockford Register Star.

New Genres Art Space opens for the first time on Saturday, July 20th. Judd and Puchalska tell us why they started their non-profit and what it means for Rockford.

They each have extensive backgrounds in art creation and education. They’ve held roles in galleries and universities in Utah and in Illinois.

Puchalska is a Polish-born, research-driven animator and educator hybrid. She focuses on the impact of teaching digital art and animation in historically under-served communities. She holds advanced art degrees from Northern Illinois University and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Puchalska is married to Judd. He is a Rockford native. He previously worked as an art editor, and had leading roles in galleries at various organizations around Illinois. And he’s even been a registrar at Rockford Art Museum.

Listen to the podcast online at, and subscribe to "From the Newsroom: Rockford Register Star" wherever you find your podcasts.


WIFR: New Genres Art Space unveils new exhibit space

It's a non-profit art space that focuses on digital, experimental and new media art. It also gears towards ideas that explore complex and often emotionally charged topics, including diversity, social justice and disabilities. 

New Genres works in a multi-prong approach, working with visitors through interactive exhibits, classes and a speaker series.

"As New Genres, we've really looked to stay in the community and grow as an art space for a very long time, that's really why we chose to become a non-profit and not just a project to really create some sustainability kind of baked into our ideas," said Jason Judd.


Interview with WIFR

Co-Founders Jason Judd and Iga Puchalska speaking about NGAS’s programming with Andy Gannon and Danielle Tumilowicz on WIFR’s Morning Blend.